
Where do you ship?
We currently ship within the United States only.

What shipping methods are available?
We offer Free Shipping on any US orders over $75. For anything under $75, shipping cost is calculated at checkout based on the distance of the destination from us in Virginia. We use minimal packaging and ship via USPS First Class Package, so it's typically around $5-7.


What's your return policy?
We can accept returns in perfect, unworn condition within 30 days of delivery date. Feel free to try them on your little one for fit, and if they don't fit, please return them to the original bag they arrived in, and email us at hello@porpoisegoods.com right away. If you're nervous about getting something on them, we recommend measuring the piece against a piece of clothing your baby already wears. We produce in very small batches in NYC, so every piece counts. We appreciate your support!

Please choose a return shipping method that provides a tracking number and let us know. If the goods don't make it back to us in resellable condition, we sadly can't process the refund.


What packaging do you use?
We try to be as minimal with our packaging as possible to minimize waste. We use a 100% home-compostable shipping mailer and is made from 70-80% PBAT (a co-polymer that is completely compostable) and 20-30% PLA (which is a fancy way of saying cornstarch). In a commercial compostable environment, it will break-down within 90 days. At home, it may take up to 120 days. Just remember to take off the shipping label and any tape first!
Our stickers are also 100% recyclable and compostable. Made from FSC-certified, acid-free, lignin and sulfur-free pulp, and soy-based ink, the stickers will compost without leaving any residue behind.

Do you offer gift wrap?
We don't at the moment and are trying to figure out a way to gift wrap without creating a lot of waste. Don't worry though - the packing lists included with all our orders only show the items, not the prices. So gift away!

Social Impact

What organizations does Porpoise support?
Part of our mission with Porpoise is to give back to organizations that support families in different ways. To start, we want to focus our donation efforts on supporting maternal mental health. We have chosen to donate 10% of net proceeds to Postpartum Support International (we're not officially affiliated with them - we just like their work!) and we hope to grow to support more organizations in the future. Our ultimate goal is to be able to donate 50% of net proceeds - giving as much back as we put back into the company. We'd love to hear what causes you're supporting - drop us a note at hello@porpoisegoods.com.

Sizing & Fit

How does Porpoise fit?
Porpoise items are true to size and are designed to fit for weeks before and beyond the listed size range. The big Belly Band can be folded down for when baby is growing into a size, and it can add extra length before you get the next size. They grow so quickly, so we want each size can last as long as possible.

If you're unsure or your little one is in the top percentile in terms of size, we recommend taking the next size up from your little one's current age. Eg. Your LO is 12M and 90th percentile in weight and/or length, 18M would be a safe fit for months to come.

See how our daughter at 18mo (50-60th percentile in weight and height) fit into the toddler jogger pants!

toddler yoga pants fit chart