Maternal Mental Health Month

One reason why we started Porpoise is to make baby clothes that don't suck. Another just as important reason is to contribute to improving maternal mental health in any way we can. We can do this by talking about it, raising awareness, and donating to organizations that provide resources and support to mothers and families who need it. One such organization is Postpartum Support International. I found PSI several months after childbirth when I was deeply depressed, feeling disassociated and purposeless. PSI showed up in my google search and, after reading their blogs and articles, I realized that I needed help.

PSI provides a helpline, support groups, articles with personal experiences and research, and so many other resources for parents seeking help and professionals providing help. For me, I had depression and anxiety during pregnancy and my daughter's entire first year of life. I felt too overwhelmed to talk to anyone about it until I started reading more about this on PSI and other blogs. You never know what piece of information or outreach can help a mom experiencing postpartum depression or other perinatal mental health (PMH) disorders. 



We just launched, but we are so happy to already make our first donation as Porpoise Goods to Postpartum Support International. Thank you for supporting Porpoise and helping us make this happen! 

Please consider making a donation to help them continue to raise awareness and provide critical resources to mothers everywhere. And let's talk more about maternal mental health all the time!

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